
What Is sourceMLS™?

The sourceMLS initiative was created by the Council of Multiple Listings Services (CMLS) as a way to inform the real estate consumer that Real Listings originate from the local MLS: the most reliable source for real estate listing data.

What’s the issue?

Listing data is widely distributed on the Internet through a vast network of independent data feeds. There are hundreds of websites displaying listing information through thousands of channels of varying quality. At times, this data distribution network results in the display of information that is outdated or incomplete. When this bad data shows up on consumer websites, the result is a frustrated consumer which results in a frustrated broker. 

How does sourceMLS help solve it?

The solution is the sourceMLS badge. The badge designates a listing as having originated in a feed provided directly from an MLS. For consumer-facing websites, the badge is a mark of integrity, announcing to the consumer that a listing has passed through a filter to insure the highest level of  accuracy and timeliness available anywhere on the Internet. In short, a listing displaying the sourceMLS badge is a Real Listing.
